Mr Smith Goes to East Lansing

I began my career as a high school government teacher. In that short lived role I showed a lot of movies (possibly why it was short lived) A frequent component of the syllabus was the 1939 Jimmy Stewart classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. In the movie Stewart plays an idealistic small town Boy Scout leader from a “Western” state who is appointed as a United States Senator.

While he has good intentions. His naïveté his quickly used against him by a corrupt political boss. He begins to learn the way Washington DC really works. Michigan St’s new football coach shares a last name and geographic similarities with the movie. When you combine it with his uncanny resemblance to Ron DeSantis (someone had to say it—not a political statement) The analogies are simply too great for my literary mind to ignore.

In the movie, Stewart’s Mr. Smith arrives to Washington where he takes a tour of the capital before being educated by the corrupt Senator Joseph Paine. Let’s set a similar stage for Mr. Jonathan Smith. After Mr Smith takes a tour of our fine state capital. He heads back to campus down E. Michigan Avenue where he is met by amalgam of Senator Paine. We’ll combine AD Alan Haller, Mark Dantonio, and a group of boosters into one character.

Back on campus Mr. Smith passionately lays out his plan to win the “right” way. To build slowly by recruiting two and three star recruits. How he is not going to chase quick fixes in the transfer portal. The amalgam takes it all in with a smile. Before calmly informing Mr Smith of his new reality.

“Mr Smith you are not in Corvallis anymore. You are in the Big 10. This is a cutthroat and ruthless league. We suspend coaches in the middle of national championship contention. The SEC wouldn’t even do that. We have fanbases that want to fire a coach with a 56-7 career record. One of our basketball schools just paid a coach 20 million dollars not to work. Heck you wouldn’t even be here if we hadn’t gutted your league.”

Jonathan Smith swallows hard sinks into his chair and meekly asks what he needs to do to win in the Big 10? The amalgam cuts Mr Smith off mid sentence and delivers the following directive.

“Win— who said anything about winning? Look at Jim Harbaugh and Ryan Day. Winning isn’t simply enough. You are not in the SEC. This is the Big 10. Perception is what matters here. Towards that measure here is a three point plan for what you need to accomplish in the next month.

Dante Moore

Jonathan Smith whips out his best Jimmy Stewart voice and sighs incredulously. “I beat Dante Moore when he was at UCLA…. I picked him off three times. I don’t even want the guy.” Once again Mr Smith is cut off.

Doesn’t matterhe is the best quarterback prospect this state has produced since Drew Henson. He wasn’t very good either, but that’s not the point. He is from the largest metropolitan area in the state. If are going to get the best players out of Detroit you have to get on the phone with Dante Moore.

DJ Uiagalelel

Mr Smith sighs incredulously one again. “How I am supposed to get this guy too…. In case you haven’t noticed my former players and employers aren’t real happy with me right now.”

Doesn’t matter— someone could make a case that DJ got you this job. You resurrected his career after he struggled at Clemson of all places. This isn’t about him or even Oregon St. This is about YOU. You are the new quarterback whisperer. You need to let the world know this.

bryce Underwood

At this point Mr Smith snaps and has had enough “The number 1 player in the nation! Are you serious? He is going go to LSU. You really expect me to pull all of this off? Our antagonist lets Mr Smith finish this time. Even gives him a few moments to cool off before calmly responding.

“Mr Smith you are overlooking an important detail in this plan.

Silence and a quizzical look from Mr Smith…

At no point did I say you need to get the commitment of ANY of these players. Remember this is about perception. You don’t need to get Dante Moore on campus. You don’t even need to talk to him. Just talk the “appropriate” people to make it seem like a possibility. Secretly hire people to do some cryptic social media campaign. It worked last time. He was never going to come here. But once again it’s all about perception.

A lightbulb seems to go off in Mr Smith’s head. “Then when Dante Moore goes to Texas A&M. I circle back to my guy DJ Uiagalelel from Oregon St.”

I don’t really care what you do with DJ Uiagalelel. He only has one year left. He is probably not going to change the program. However don’t forget this plan is all about perception. If the guy is unwilling to even consider following you here. You better believe rival coaches are going to use it against you. If he decides to go to the draft. Have him release some statement about how thankful he is for your tutelage. Add something about coming to East Lansing if his draft stock wasn’t so high. Go to his house and be sure to get on camera when he is picked. It’s all part of the game.

Mr Smith relaxes a bit as he starts to understand the plan being put before him. “So I don’t even need get Bryce Underwood’s commitment do I?

Nope— just get some staffers in green and white on the Belleville sideline next year. Hire the same people that did the Dante Moore social media campaign. Scholarship a few of his teammates, even if you don’t think they are Big 10 caliber. Just build hope that we can get the top player in nation. The reality doesn’t matter.

Mr Smith seems to accept these parameters. However he has one question that he can’t get out of his mind. “So what about winning, isn’t that still important?” Mr Smith’s sentence is interrupted once again.

Oh, it is still very important. However I can’t help you there. That’s why we are paying you millions. But follow the bouncing ball here. If you can’t effectively recruit Detroit. If your former players sully your reputation in the transfer portal AND you can’t compete for in-state five star recruits. I can’t put it any more plainly— you probably will not win here.

In the movie Jimmy Stewart’s character bucks the system and wins respect and votes towards his cause in a classic Hollywood ending. If you are fan of college football you know this will probably not happen. The college football’s Mr Smith has a Hollywood ending that looks like this. After winning with his guys in year one. Mr Smith walks into the athletic office and says UCLA or USC is offering a king’s ransom to bring him back home to the West Coast. The school quickly ponies up a 100 million dollar contract extension.

After signing the extension Smith exists the offices with super agent Jimmy Sexton. Sexton has a mischievous grin on his face. Smith asks his agent. “Did USC or UCLA even want me?”

Jimmy Sexton smiles and laughs saying “nope Mr Smith, remember it’s all about perception in this league.” They walk into the sunset as the stirring score kicks in and the credits begin the roll.

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