
On St Patrick’s Day 2017 I was involved in a near fatal car accident that greatly altered the trajectory of both mine and my families lives.

At the time I was a working print journalist and in compete health. I also had worked as an educator and musician. After the accident my life was greatly changed. I lost the ability to do many of the things I enjoyed. At the level that I was accustomed to doing them at. 

I began a long road of rehab and recovery to get back to a semblance of normalcy. It’s been an arduous journey that is ongoing. The vast majority of that journey can be attributed to the north stars of faith, family, and community. 

Those topics are both very personal and loaded with layers of complexity. A more trivial aspect of recovery has been the ability to engage, enjoy, and report on something I truly enjoy— sports. 

I somewhat embarrassingly admit that one of the first things I remember clearly thinking about after the accident was the state of my bracket. Doctors told me it’s common for people to remember what they were last thinking about during physical trauma.

As I struggled to rejoin the “regular” world. Sports was always there. It didn’t require anything from me to enjoy it. It was a welcome respite. I probably enjoy it more now than I did before the accident. I began to slowly write again for various publications on a free lance basis.

I hope you enjoy this website. It will include the the things I enjoy. Lists, rankings, and podcasts among other things. And if in the process it brings some positivity to this world. That would be well worth the time for me. Thanks for reading!

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